Yasuj oil depot pipeline operation project and two engine room devices


Yasuj oil depot pipeline operation project and two engine room devices


Petroleum products piping operations to tanks

Project size

Installation of all facilities and plumbing of two engines and piping of petroleum products to tanks


National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company

Year of implementation


Project description

Petroleum products piping includes all connections to tanks, pump houses, retail and in general all plumbing except building water and sewage piping

Steam piping includes all connections to the engine of the house and the relevant tanks and pumps and installation of the production device

Water piping includes all connections to the engine room and inlet valves of all buildings and structures

Fire piping includes all connections to the engine room and installation of fire valves and construction of fire valves or any protection for fire pipes

Installation of all facilities and plumbing of two engine rooms in fire and office buildings